Recording Lectures

As instructors are increasingly looking for options to virtually accommodate students who can’t make on-campus classes, we thought this menu of services might be helpful.

While we hope that this list is useful, all instructors should first talk to their divisional edtech departments for advice; some divisions may have additional services and support models in place, and it is important to check with them first.

Before selecting a particular recording methodology, instructors may want read about recording best practices from the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation. Instructors may also find this resource from the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering helpful (although some described services are only available to FASE instructors).

(1) Pre-recorded videos for asynchronous distribution before or after the class:

Instructors who may wish to record their lectures or lecture vignettes before the class and distribute those to students instead of teaching those lectures live.

                Self Service:

Unsupported but still popular: iMovie, Windows Media

                Technician Supported (virtual recording studio):

Recordings will need to be streamed to students from a separate streaming service – see Section 3 below for more information

(2) Record a Live Event for asynchronous distribution after the class:

 Instructors who may wish to record their live lectures while those lectures are going on, but then distribute the recordings after class.


Unsupported but still popular: iOS or Android mobile devices for recording in the classroom

                Technician Supported (from the classroom):

    • LSM OCCS (LSM supported on St. George campus; please consult with IITS at UTM or UTSC for similar options)
    • Other LSM classroom solutions as appropriate

Unsupported but still used: Student or AV tech with a video cam at the back of the room

Recordings will need to be streamed to students from a separate streaming service – see Section 3 below for more information

(3) Streaming Services for Recorded Materials (e.g. drop a link on Quercus or share directly with accommodated students):

If an instructor has recorded a lecture or lecture vignette before or during the live lecture, these are options for sharing that recording with students.

Unsupported but still popular: YouTube, Vimeo

(4) Broadcast a Live Event (synchronous distribution but no recording): 

Some instructors may not wish to record their lectures, but instead just broadcast a live lecture while it is taking place.


                Technician Supported:

    • MS LiveEvents (LSM supported; required pre-scheduling)
    • Zoom Webinar Add On (LSM supported; required pre-scheduling)
    • IITS at UTM or UTSC might have additional campus-specific options
      • These solutions might be used for circumstances where more than 300 students need accommodation;
      • These solutions would all require pre-scheduling with department that provides the service