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When ideas and suggestions are received, they are published out to the community on this page. Tools within the idea stage have not been centrally vetted from a functional, security or privacy perspective. Ideas are discussed in a number of standing forums, such as the Toolbox End-user Support Team (TEST), the Academic Technology Reference Group (ATRG), and the Teaching, Learning & Technology Advisory Committee (TLTAC).

On a quarterly basis, using the Toolbox Decision Framework, ideas are prioritized and recommendations are made to the Executive Steering Committee for Quercus and Academic Technology, who adjudicate and approve a set of projects for the coming quarter. If an idea becomes a project, it will move from this page to the Projects page (see tab above).

Tool NameDescriptionLinkTypeSubmitterStatus
AcadlyAcadly is a classroom response system of the Environment (FAS/UTSC)Abeyance
Accessible Format ConvertersFuture AODA legislation will require the provision of content in accessible formats inside Quercus. There may be integrateable tools available to facilitate the conversion of content. Examples include Bb Ally, CidiLabs UDOIT, or Yuja Panorama.For more about AODA Accessible Learning Resources:
APA style central LTIAPA Style Central is an integrated learning product that teaches students how to conduct basic social sciences research, track their research activities, write and cite using APA style. of T LibrariesSubmitted
Atomic AssessmentsFormative and summative assessment tool with over 40 question types. of Public HealthSubmitted
Atomic Search for CanvasAtomic Search for Canvas indexes materials and serves as a fully integrated search tool within Canvas Science, AnthropologySubmitted
Canvas Credentials (formerly Badgr)Canvas Credentials is a subscription service that allows badge program administrators to advance their badging system using a set of more sophisticated tools., Engineering,
OISE, Physical and Environmental Sciences (UTSC)
BazaarBazaar is a framework for designing multi-party collaborative conversational agents.
CommunicationFAS PhysicsSubmitted
Canvas ChatRealtime chat capability embedded in Canvas (Quercus)
Canvas Studio (formerly ARC Media)Canvas Studio is a video player that tracks how many students have seen a particular video (and which parts they actually watched), allows students to leave comments on specific sections of the video and also features a discussion channel below the video, Music, PharmacyWithdrawn
CATMECATME is a system of secure, web-based tools that enable instructors to implement best practices in managing student teams. of Applied Science & EngineeringSubmitted
Clutch PrepTextbook specific video learning Physical & Environmental ScienceSubmitted
ContexiaContexia was specially designed by a team at UTSC to help students cope with reading their academic texts.
Crowdmark Exam MatcherThe Exam Matcher app enables professors and exam proctors to match students to their papers during an exam. MathematicsSubmitted
DataCampDataCamp offers a wide range of interactive programming / data analysis courses in R, Python and data science. BiologySubmitted
DeckChair TutorDeckChair Tutor is a mobile eLearning platform that measures viewing time and reaction time during the learner’s online performance. PsychologySubmitted
EdpuzzleVideo vignette recording tool MathematicsSubmitted
edX LTIedX is a massive open online course provider. School of ManagementSubmitted
EHS Tracking AppTrack EHS is a feature-rich & fully customisable EHS Management System that makes incident reporting, investigation and analysis all the more easier and efficient.
EON-XREON-XR users are able to create interactive and immersive AR and VR lessons without needing any coding or advanced technological knowledge
FACTThe Faculty and Advisor Communication Tool (FACT) is only used as a method of providing feedback to advisors for early intervention, coaching, and assistance. of Applied Science & EngineeringSubmitted
FlickrOnline photo management and sharing application
ContentUTM LibrarySubmitted
FlipgridFlipgrid is a lightweight video recording tool that lets instructors and students create and share short vignettes in a class context. Psychology, DLSPHSubmitted
Gather.TownGather.Town is an avatar-based web-conferencing software with virtual reality rooms and live video ChemistrySubmitted
Google EducationIt is an ecology of digital tools from Google designed to host and distribute digital documents, communication, and collaboration through cloud-based technology. Earth SciencesAbeyance
GradeScopeGradescope is a tool to administer and grade assessments, whether online or in-class Mathematics,
FAS Chemistry
Grammar BytesGrammar drills to help students improve their writing. Political ScienceSubmitted
H5PH5P makes it easy to create, share and reuse HTML5 content and applications. Biology,
FAS Chemistry
InQuizitive (Norton)InQuizitive is an adaptive learning tool from Norton publishing Year Programme,
UTM Department of Visual Studies
JupyterHubJupyterHub provides users with access to pre-configured data science computational environments and resources without burdening the users with installation and maintenance tasks.https://jupyterhub.readthedocs.ioContentFAS Chemistry,
Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering
Kahoot!Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform, for teachers and classroom to Play, learn, have fun and celebrate together! ManagementSubmitted
KritikKritik is an online peer-to-peer interactive learning platform for helping professors engage students in a twenty-first-century way. of MedicineSubmitted
LabsLandLabsLand connects schools and universities with real laboratories available somewhere else on the Internet. of Applied Science & EngineeringSubmitted
LaunchPadLaunchPad is a resource to help students achieve better results by providing a place where they can read, study, practice, complete homework, and more. Biological SciencesSubmitted
LinoLino is a web-based sticky note platform that lets users add virtual sticky notes to a virtual bulletin board, or "canvas." of T LibrariesSubmitted
LucidchartLucidchart is a web-based proprietary platform that is used to allow users who are located in multiple locations to collaborate with their colleagues in drawing, revising and sharing charts and diagrams Lana School of Public HealthSubmitted
MathJaxMathJax is a cross-browser JavaScript library that displays mathematical notation in web browsers, using MathML, LaTeX and ASCIIMathML markup. MathJax is released as open-source software under the Apache License. MathematicsSubmitted
MathMatizeMathMatize is a cloud-based math exercise application
MATLABMATLAB is a technical computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis, and numeric computation. RequestsSubmitted
MATLAB Grader for CanvasMATLAB Grader provides outcomes from automated assessments that feed directly to your grade book or learning analytics platform MathematicsSubmitted
MediasiteMediasite is a desktop capture tool that can be used to record class sessions or lectures and upload recordings to university servers School of ManagementAbeyance
MediaWiki FarmMediaWiki is an open source collaboration and documentation platform. The MediaWikiFarm extension creates wiki farms (multiple wikis grouped together).
Microsoft BookingsMicrosoft Bookings is a scheduling tool and is part of the Microsoft Office family of products. of LawSubmitted
MilanoteTool for organizing ideas and projects into visual boards
MiroMiro is an online collaborative whiteboard platform, ArchitectureSubmitted
MobLabWith MobLab's interactive games instructors can help students build emotional connections with the material. Experiments and Surveys go from a task to a memorable point of discussion EconomicsSubmitted
MyOpenMathMyOpenMath is a system for mathematics and other quantitative fields, focusing on providing algorithmically generated assessment to support the use of open textbooks MathematicsSubmitted
NameCoachNameCoach provides a solution for embedding audio name pronunciations so others can learn and remember how to say them
Online StorytellerOnline Storyteller is a narrative assessment tool used as a self-directed assessment and collaboratively to enhance 1-on-1 sessions. of Applied Science & EngineeringSubmitted
OverleafA web front end to the open-source LaTeX typesetting systemhttps://www.overleaf.comContentFAS Computer Science, Economics, Statistical Sciences,
UTSC Computer and Mathematical Sciences,
UTM Mathematical and Computational Sciences
PackbackPackback enables Inquiry-Based Online Discussion at scale Art History,
FAS Department of Earth Sciences
PadletPadlet is a virtual bulletin board, for collaboration and sharing links and pictures Instructor (New College)Submitted
PerusallPerusall is a social annotation tool that integrates with Canvas via LTI assignments. it allows students and their instructors to collaboratively markup .pdf documents. Instead of reading a document and discussing it, Perusall brings the discussion to the text. Innovations in Undergraduate Education,
Toronto School of Theology, FAS Religion,
FAS Sexual Diversity Studies
Poll EverywherePoll Everywhere is a web-based audience response system that lets speakers embed activities directly into their presentations. TechRotman School of Management,
FAS Statistical Sciences
Presenters PodiumPresenters Podium is an easy to use e-learning tool that brings together everything an educator needs to arm their students with for their academic and professional environment. Used by individual instructors, students engage with course material, present their knowledge and ideas, and improve through feedback
PressBooksPressBooks is a platform for publishing open text books. OLSSubmitted
QUIPTeaching teams for on-campus courses can use QUIP (QUiz and Interactive Poll) to provide data-driven quizzes and polls to their students. Computer ScienceSubmitted
QuizletQuizlet is a mobile and web-based study application that allows students to study information via learning tools and games. LibrarySubmitted
RespondusAssessment tools for Learning System Economics, Physician Assistant Program,
UTM Institute for Management & Innovation,
Rotman School of Management
SCORM CloudSCORM Cloud is a SaaS training delivery platform that hosts your eLearning content (SCORM, xAPI, AICC and cmi5)
SemesterlyIt helps students create their schedules by generating possible timetables and ranking them based on the user's preferences. Computer ScienceSubmitted
ShareLaTeXShareLaTeX is an online LaTeX editor that allows real-time collaboration and online compiling of to PDF format. of Applied Science & EngineeringSubmitted
SlackSlack is a cloud-based set of proprietary team collaboration tools and services Geography,
UTM Chemical and Physical Sciences
Smart SparrowSmart Sparrow is an adaptive e-learning platform that allows you to create personalized, adaptive and active lesson School of ManagementSubmitted
SocrativeSocrative is a cloud-based student response system and It allows teachers to create simple quizzes that students can take quickly on laptops – or, more often, via classroom tablet computers or their own smartphones. TechUTM Management
Sonic Foundry - MediasiteVideo platform School of ManagementSubmitted
Teamable AnalyticsA team formation and analytics tool
Build teams, diagnose potential conflicts, and execute interventions.
TeamWorksThe tool helps students learn teamwork skills through comparison of self to peer assessments and tutorials to address areas identified as weak. of Applied Science & EngineeringSubmitted
True+Way ASLTRUE+WAY ASL dictionary allows students to practice and prepare for the quizzes that are built into course modules. Instructor lesson plans are also available through the app. There is no cost for instructors, but a student access fee would apply. LinguisticsSubmitted
TwitterEmbed lists of recent tweets or individual tweets from Twitter. Lists can be derived from search results, or from a user’s twitter feed.https://twitter.comCommunicationDaniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and DesignAbeyance
VoiceThreadVoiceThread is a learning tool for enhancing student engagement and online presence. of MusicSubmitted
WebexCisco Webex, formerly WebEx Communications Inc., is a company that provides on-demand collaboration, online meeting, web conferencing and videoconferencing applications Knox CollegeAbeyance
YellowdigYellowdig is an
engagement platform that connects learners and empowers educators of Applied Science & EngineeringSubmitted
PUBLISHER: AchieveAchieve is an online learning platform that's offered by Macmillan publishing. It houses online textbooks.https://achieve.macmillanlearning.comContentUTM
FAS Department of Economics
PUBLISHER: Blink LearningBlink Learning is a publisher content integrator.https://www.blinklearning.comContentLanguage Studies (Italian)Abeyance
PUBLISHER: Cengage WebAssignWebAssign is a powerful digital solution designed by educators to enrich the teaching and learning experience. It provides extensive content, instant assessment, and superior support. LibraryAbeyance
PUBLISHER: Evolve LinkIt allows a link to be created to the Evolve textbooks of MedicineAbeyance
PUBLISHER: Nelson MindTapThe interactive learning system from Cengage Learning that Engage students and improve outcomes with MindTap. PsychologySubmitted
PUBLISHER: Norton (Smartwork, InQuizitive)Smartwork and InQuizitive are tools from the publisher WW Norton and Systems BiologySubmitted
PUBLISHER: Revel PearsonRevel is an interactive learning environment designed for how you want to teach — and how students want to learn Social Sciences & HumanitiesSubmitted