How to export notebook as .PDF/.py/.md?

  1. Open a notebook you want to export.
  2. Click on the ‘File’ menu button. File options will appear.
  3. Click on ‘Download as’ to see file options.
  4. Select the appropriate file extension.
  5. A download of exported file will begin shortly.
  6. The file will be saved at a location specified or the default download location.

How to upload files to JupyterHub?

  1. Click on the ‘Upload’ button on the home page.
  2. A file picker will open.
  3. Select the file from your computer and Click ‘Open’ button.
  4. A file name with options to confirm or cancel the upload action will appear in the first row.
  5. Click the ‘Upload’ button to confirm.


How to download files from JupyterHub?

  1. Select a file/files by clicking checkbox on the left.
  2. Relevant options will appear at the top.
  3. Click on the ‘Download’ button.
  4. A download will begin. The file will be saved at a location specified or the default download location.
  5. The downloaded notebook will be an .ipynb file.

How to rename a file/folder?

  1. Select a file/folder by clicking on the checkbox on the left.
  2. Relevant options will appear at the top.
  3. Click on the ‘Rename’ button.
  4. Write a new name in the dialogue box.
  5. Click the ‘Rename’ button to complete the action.

Currently open file can be renamed by clicking on the file name in the title bar and following steps 4 and 5 from above.

How to copy/duplicate files?

  1. Select a file by clicking on the checkbox on the left.
  2. Relevant options will appear at the top.
  3. Click on the ‘Duplicate’ button.
  4. Confirm the action by clicking on the ‘Duplicate’ button.
  5. A duplicate file will be created with ‘{filename}-Copy1’.

How to move files/folders?

A running notebook must be shutdown before it can be moved.

  1. Select a file/folder by clicking on the checkbox on the left.
  2. Relevant options will appear at the top.
  3. Click on the ‘Move’ button.
  4. Provide the path of the destination folder in the dialogue box.
  5. Click the ‘Move’ button to complete the action.

How to delete files/folders?

A folder must be empty before it can be deleted.

  1. Select a file/folder by clicking on checkbox on the left.
  2. Relevant options will appear at the top.
  3. Click on the bin icon.
  4. Confirm the action to delete a file/folder by clicking on the ‘Delete’ button.
  5. Multiple files can be deleted at once by selecting them all at once in the step 1.

How to open a terminal?

  1. Navigate to ‘Files’ tab on Home page. 
  2. Click ‘New▼’ drop-down button.
  3. Select the ‘Terminal’ option.
  4. A new terminal will be opened in a new tab.

How to create a text file?

  1. Navigate to ‘Files’ tab on Home page.
  2. Click ‘New▼’ drop-down button.
  3. Select the ‘Text File’ option.
  4. A new text file will be created in the current directory and opened in a new tab.
  5. Click on the ‘untitled.txt’ in the title bar to rename the file.

How to create a folder?

  1. Navigate to ‘Files’ tab on Home page. 
  2. Click ‘New▼’ drop-down button.
  3. Select the ‘Folder’ option.
  4. A new folder will be created in the current directory and named ‘Untitled Folder’.